Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hurt beb. trust me

Reality hurts.

In real life what important most is what you want. Ironically something always get in the way. It's sad bila kena deal with something yang you betul-betul nak and hold it sampai mati dan dah ada pun depan mata but you just couldn't get every entire part of it. I know it sounds crap but the thing, the situation is already crap. I quit from trying hard to be smart, intelligent perhaps just to put everything in words to make you get the point. The point matters much you see. I know, this is still crap.

The thing is, thinking of something yang dah ada pun in life yang dah pun exist dan hakikat sebenarnya when you come back to reality bukak mata seluas mungkin, you sebenarnya tak dapat pun. thinking makes you go crazy. I try so hard to not to think about anything yang boleh buat I rasa paranoid. But its damn hard, you know why? because it's in my bloody mind. And I'm in the bloody situation, how can i not think of it? like now, writing with all my emotions which I know you prolly wouldn't understand. ever.


Dan semuanya because one thing. Choices. Everyone have the opportunity to make choice. Don't ever let go of something yang sudah ada pun dalam hidup, which you nak sangat benda tu tapi you tak dapat capai.. lagi. but in the end perhaps kalau kau believe sikit je lagi you'll get your hands on it.

The nearest example yang I could give is bila Isteri yang rindu suami balik kerja. Hari-hari tunggu si suami call, bila dengar phone berdering hati selalu berkata-kata "why can't it be you? why can't it ever be you?" sebab screen keluar nama orang lain dan bukan si suami tadi. I know bad example but just nak bagi you people picture something. (give me your best shot, kalau ths is lameee)

Oh well, think it this way. You choose your decision kan? So berenang-renang ikut the flow. You'll prolly wouldn't regret. seriously. Sebab kalau give up. Tak mencabar langsung lah der.
Try to think any happy thoughts. It'll make you feel better. no matter how lonely you are, you'll be fine. :)

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