Saturday, January 7, 2012

thought am such a horror

Since i'm now taking Degree i am try to adapt with new environment new people new friends and everything were new. But sometime, it just wont be easy as 1 2 3. We cant expect everything to be fine as we plan. I met new friends tht mostly younger than me and well am quite the old student there compared to other matriculation student at class. Huh' i felt terrible bad when i found out someone thinking that i'm befriend with someone just to take advantage toward him/her. you dont know me so long but how can you say that. I think you know who you are. I treat you at first time we meet with simple greeting Hi!  just like my sister and bestfriends. i never think bad about you until now i found out what you thinking about me.

I try to be your good friends and treat you nicely doesnt mean to tackle your heart to take advantage on you but as friends and as sister tht older than you . i cant believe this is what i get . i didnt ask for deeds and compliment i just want you to be sincerely with me, Knowing tht you thinking am kind of person that love to take advantage on goodness of friends is hurtful statement. You dont know me, you cant judge me. well, we 
will meet again for the next 4 years. i cant change you perspective about me but i can only be myself and be honest with myself. Maybe you shud turn your way and find other person that you think much good than me.

well, you such a blast to get me. hahahahahha

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