Sunday, January 8, 2012

one week gap before another paper

               What a great morning, i woke up 8.45 am today, Feeling so good. Well, supposedly i'm working so hard on my study table burning midnight oil while struggling for my final exam. Well, as i have one week gap before this saturday and sunday for my microbiology paper and statistic am having such a great vacation at my own beloved bedroom that totally uncontrollable and messed up * bet me am busy with daily stuff*. Huh' what - so - lazy - of - you... yeah yeah its you Azie!

             Everytime during final I must have this weirdo feeling, well i bet the same happen to everyone with the tittle of STUDENT. To open book and start revision, remember formula, mechanism, term is such a bad bad feel ever and tension and stress and you will start becoming soo gila and thats time you will monologue in your heart saying " if i could start these revision earlier " yeah i say that all the time and keep nagging about my own attitude.

               Seriously its feel so killing me and lazziness sorrounded my environment. Woohooo.. well,  countdown with just few day left Tom's will arrived here and we will spend time together well with my family also it increasing my laziness level and hahahhahahaha 

I just cant stop counting days .

What are you trying to do Azie..go study now..go study now .. 
yeah, but firstly i will take my breakfast first :P 

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