Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Yesterday i'm not working but i dont feel i having holiday. well truly time move so fast its move faster rather than F1 race car. I clearly remember what i did yesterday but its just the routine activity without nothing special event. why time move so fast why why why

And why am so careless in managing my time,am so so so careless. Sometime i was wondering what i've doing since i'm finish my studying while waiting for degree offer. just working until midnight , then go home, then sleep, then eat, then surfing internet. its totally boring and utterly my life like dead corpse. uh ! sigh ... oufffff

What should i do to light up my life and make it happening and meaning. even my saving is decrease all time even i'm working. The hating part is when i dont know and i dont see where the money goes or what i buy.

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