Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh please

Do you have obssesion or things you can die to get it. well, i had to admit i'm so into caucasion man or in malay term "mat salleh". Hey please dont misjudge me,Its not because of 6 abs muscle they have, hot body or another things that related to their physical appearance even its contribute sometime. well, there is no reason to love someone, to care someone. when its happened, it just happen without reason and sometime it happen in opposite ways as you thinking it will happened. well, yeah am not so into malay guy and i dont know why. Am not here to tell you that malay guy is low standard or what. Malay guys are perfect at their own ways, we cannot judging anyone right because we not born with right to judge people. Its more into your own taste and its invidual feeling to-choose-partner life. Well, my grandma once told me that we wont get what we dream especially when its come to life partner. She told me we would got the opposite partner than we want and dream to have. so, she convincing me that i wont be married or have "mat salleh" to be my boyfie or husband. she absolutely believe once day i will meet my malay partner or soulmates. You know, knowing that things, i felt bit upset and scare. I tried not to become choosy and selected. I scare things turn out different than i thought it will be. But each time i tried to eliminate my wont work ):

I did told you right when its come about heart and feeling its not simply to change it. But well, i told my grandma if i gonna end up with malay guy , i want he to be really really malay LOLS kind of Javanesse.. its sound pretty nut but i really mean it..hahaha . Oh reader, i knew you will be feeling like vomitting after read this post but well, its your right to think and well its my right to write (: so its pretty fair right?

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I still think my opah wants me to settle down with Malay boy. But I know that she knows, we love each other dearly.

    It wasn't hard to convince my family that Don is a rare species of mat salleh. He just needed to come here. Then baru diorg nampak how genuine his intentions are.

    It can be a little tricky planning a life together with a foreign partner, but it's not impossible.

    I have tried considering local boys before, tapi, diorg ni memilih sangat. Kalau perempuan gemok ke, hitam ke, awal-awal dah reject.

    Furthermore, my sense of humor just doesn't mix with theirs.

    Ntah la, this could be just me justifying why I chose mat salleh instead of local men. It could be biased.

    Tapi yang pastinya, I have found love.

    So good luck to you ya! I know I've said this before, but LDR isn't easy, you just need lots of patience, trust and don't think too much about the distance! Have fun while you're at it ok! Stay strong girl!
