Saturday, August 6, 2011

fasting - 05

asssalamualaikum dan salam ramadhan

dah berkurun lama tak mengupdate blog ni kan bukan aper busy je memanjang . tetiba dah entry "fasting-05" . well for your information, puasa kali ni is a bit loneliness and am just alone at home with my brother. ayah cuma balik once on two weeks sebab kena jaga nenek and shasha at kelantan now doing her diploma and ika is at Muar because she studying there and staying at hostel. there is only me and my brother at this home and i admit its a bit scary sometime when u alone in the quite big home. kalau tak i will just open ifthar at my aunt house and the same during sahur as she just asking me to sleep at her house and eat with her family.

Tapi hari ni semua balik sebab my dad one to do family gathering for open ifthar and its quite a great moment ever except there is no my sister as semua anak sedara sedang demam and its hard to come here. kira oklah kan sebab ada shasha, ika, boy, ayah, me and also ikin a.k.a ika friends that she brought from her hostel.

tak masak pun hari ni, semua just like pick-and-pay kat bazaar je. agak banyak lah habis belanja tapi all the food can be bring to sahur nanti. semua sibuk share cerita masing masing masa makan not only masa makan but at each second when there is a chance to talk. well then malamnya pergi terawikh plak sebab dah lama tak pergi terawikh since dad not around. 

masa terawikh dengar azan kat masjid tetapi hati sayu sayu ingat kat umie. i always wondering what will happen when umie still here with us. its so sad to celebrate ramadhan without her around us.and paling best about my umie eventhough she sick but at each hari raya she must the most exciting person at home that will decorate home.tukar langsir, baking biscuit , cat rumah dan lots of mum routine tht she will do . i miss her so much.

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