Friday, April 1, 2011

Lazy 1 #

Tension !!
 I supposedly happy happy happy because my internship is nearly over in less than 1 weeks. But, I felt tension , sad and totally miserable. I think its because of my report that didnt finished yet and i'm admit that
i'm feeling homesick now. I can't go straight to home after this i have to stay at my uni for about 3 weeks before heading way back to home and its make me absolutely crazy and tension. lols seriously tension !! Do you know what tension ? I know you know it

Oh World I need some hardworking DNA in myself now and kill and destroy my Lazy DNA that utterly killing me softly. No wonder people always said " Jangan nak buat hal eh kat akhir semester ni "

Seriously i'm so lazy

Oh ( headbang )

I already stress now and I need my home, my family and  my happiness back

Come Come Come to me now

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