Monday, April 4, 2011

Fun 2 #

Its time for me to start writing my report. While i'm wrote it i'm thinking the word "miss".
I miss my 16 years old memory at school
I miss my study table at home where I used to sat there and study alone till 3am
I miss my kitchen chair that I always sat to eat
I miss my pillow that I used to hug
I miss my bed that I always landing on it until 10 am
I miss my blanket that I used to cover my leg and feet
I miss my shampoo and body soap at home
I miss eating lot and lot at home with no worries about how much to pay
I miss my dad when he said "awak kan perempuan"
I miss my sister said " maya gila"
I miss the time when I can washed my cloth, cooking while online without babbling how slow the streamyx
I miss going to bundle shop and searching for antique stuff
haha. yeah I not buy it because its utterly expensive but its satisfy me when I can touch it
I miss the word "bosannyer kat rumah ni takde ape ke nan buat"
I miss my afternoon day at home drinking tea ( Teh Lipton )
I miss the word " tak ngantuklah nape ni? selalu kat upm dh tidur dah"
I miss everything
I think i'm homesick now T___T sob..sob.. sob..

pEE sshh : i the one who draw that cartoon because i'm bored writing my report

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